Donor Stories
“My husband and I have been married for two years, and my hobbies include singing, enjoying nature, and spending time with family!
Our first child, Lillie, was born at 26 weeks, weighing just 2 lb 2 oz. Soon after delivery, I started pumping for her. After a couple weeks in the NICU, the nurses spoke with us about fortifying my milk to help Lillie gain weight more quickly. Once we started adding Prolacta fortifier to my milk, Lillie’s weight really took off! Today, at 6 months old, Lillie is doing great and is as determined and sassy as ever. She is very healthy, and I am so proud that her little rolls are completely brought to you by the ‘house white’ – ME!
I was so grateful for what Prolacta products did for my baby, that I wanted to give back by becoming a milk Tiny Treasures Milk Bank donor after Lillie discharged from the NICU. Knowing that I’m helping other families in such a tangible way is so rewarding. I feel fortunate to have the ability to spread some love and hope with my hard-earned milk. I love being a donor! The compensation from milk donation has also had a great impact on our family. We were very stressed about our hospital bills, but since everything I earn from donation goes toward these bills, we are able to pay them down more quickly."