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Going Back to Work & Donating Milk For Preemies

Sabrina's Story

"When I first found out I was pregnant I made the decision to exclusively pump due to being a full-time professional working mama. I got off to an amazing start and even amazed the nurses in the hospital at how much milk I was producing. I have been so fortunate to have an excess of milk. At first, I was building my freezer stash for when I returned to work. But it kept growing... and growing... and growing! I was having trouble putting anything else in the freezer aside from milk. I knew something had to be done with it! I did not want this precious liquid to go to waste. I started to research donating. I came across 'Milkin' Mamas'. I started reading about them & fell in love. Then I started looking at Prolacta. I was hooked. I knew that I HAD TO donate milk. The feeling that I get when I look at the recipient testimonials is unbelievable. I cry every time I think about it. I have never done something so fulfilling in my whole life. I have always wanted to give to babies in need, [and I finally got the chance when I got involved with Milkin' Mamas']. I am happy to share my excess & love every minute of it." Sabrina G.