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Meet Donor Casey - Never Giving Up

Casey M's Donor Story

"My name is Casey, I’m married, and we have a beautiful little girl who has changed our lives in such a positive way! The biggest obstacle I have overcame as a mother was going through this breastfeeding journey.

I have endured mastitis every few months ever since my dear daughter was born. Anyone who has ever experienced this knows how excruciating it can be. The last time I had it, I was ready to just give up breastfeeding... but I didn’t.

Each time I simply dealt with it, healed, and continued on. I’m so glad that I never gave up and kept it up instead, because my daughter has benefited tremendously, as well as all those who the donated milk will reach. My proudest donor milestone was when my daughter turned one year old.

My breastfeeding goal was to reach her first birthday. Well, we've reached one year and she continues to be breastfed, and even more I have been saving milk and donating for nearly a year, and we are nowhere near slowing down! It felt so wonderful to have met my goal of feeding my daughter, PLUS donating! I just felt so blessed.

She’s now 20 months old and the milk is still flowing! To any moms just beginning this wonderful journey of donating your precious liquid gold... First off, be patient with the process of going back and forth with forms and tests (because you would want all the same precautions to be taken for your baby if they were the ones receiving the donated milk). And secondly, really relish what you are doing each time you send in a cooler of milk...

We might just be putting it in a cooler and shipping it to California, but from there the locations it could go to are endless, and the number of babies that could reap the benefits are limitless! Be proud of yourself for not only providing for your own baby, but for also helping the babies who couldn’t thrive as well without your help!"