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Meet Donor Emily - Setting A Great Example For My Daughters Through Breast Milk Donations

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For Mother's Day this year, we invited our donors to share their stories as mothers and donors. We hope their stories and tips can make a difference for other donor moms!

Emily D's Story

"I'm Emily and I am the mother of two beautiful little girls, Aubrey and Chandler. We live in New Orleans and love our city! The biggest obstacle I have overcome as a mom would have to be the transition from one child to two children. I thought I was prepared, but nothing can prepare you for the amount of chaos, frustration, and love that comes with having more children! My girls have had a wonderful bond since Chandler was born and their relationship is growing every day! I am so proud to be their mom and to know that my body has nourished them and so many only babies through donation! My proudest moment in my donation journey was when my older daughter enthusiastically told the FedEx delivery woman all about sharing her mummy's milk with teeny tiny babies. The admiration and excitement in her voice was so genuine and heart warming! It makes me so proud that I can set such a great example for my daughters. My advice to new moms and donors would be to always be consistent when you are pumping and to be vigilant with your storage methods. The milk we provide had the potential to change the life of so many babies!"