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Meet Donor Kimberly and How She Prioritizes Cuddle Time

Kimberly F's story

"I am a proud mother of three beautiful healthy children. My kids are 4, 2 and 7 mos. They are close in age and they certainly keep me busy. But, I have never been happier. I think my biggest obstacle I overcame as a mother is [learning to] prioritize and I accepting that I couldn't get everything finished in one day.

I have learned to choose my battles and let go of the things that aren't just that important. My priority is that my kids receive tons of attention, stories, cuddles, and outings but that means that sometimes the laundry doesn't get folded or the dishes sit in the sink longer than I would like.

And it's been tough lesson for a type A personality to accept. But, my kids come first, always. The rest gets done when it gets done. When they grow up, they will remember the memories we made together not remember the time when the cereal bowl sat in the sink all day.

I have a couple donor milestones that I am proud of. First, it was the day I took the plunge and started donating excess breast milk. It was way easier than I expected and I am so glad I didn't just shrug my shoulders and say I just don't have the time. The process from qualification to donation couldn't be any easier.

I was proud when I reached the 1,000 oz donation mark and when I continued well beyond that. Finally, I am proud that I have re-qualified and am donating again with my new baby. The extra milk I produce is a gift and I am proud to share it with babies in need."