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Meet Donor Kimberly - Taking a Deep Breath and Going One Step At a Time

Picture above is for illustrative purposes only – a photo was not submitted with the entry. For Mother’s Day this year, we invited our donors to share their stories as mothers and donors. We hope their stories and tips can make a difference for other donor moms!

Kimberly B's Donor Story

"Hello! My name is Kimberly and I am currently a first time donor for Tiny Treasures. However, I have donated my milk to local mothers in need. I’ve been married to my husband for 8 years. He is a firefighter and I work part time from home for an online university. We have 4 amazing boys. Our oldest (my stepson) would have been 16 this year. He passed away at the age of 13 from complications due to a bone marrow transplant. He was my first child. He taught me so much about being a mom and he was so caring and was understanding as I learned the ropes. I met him when he was 5 years old. We had 8 great years together, we miss him terribly. Our other boys are Mason (5), Liam (4) and Colton (9 months old0. The biggest obstacle I overcame when I became a mother was letting go of things that are out of our control. Being a mother is the most difficult job in the world and as mothers I feel that we think we need to do and change everything. This is just not possible. My proudest donor milestone was just being able to be a donor at all. Most mothers in this group have an oversupply and I would not place myself in that category. So I am just grateful that I had enough frozen milk to be able to share with the tiniest babies in the most need. Tips for moms that are just starting, take a deep breath and only take on what you can handle. If you can’t get that one pump session in right at the 3 hour mark relax and get it in when you can. Stay hydrated, eat healthy and always communicate with your milk bank coordinator. They are a wealth of a knowledge and are always there to help."