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Meet Donor Melissa, Donating Her Oversupply of Breast Milk

For Mother’s Day this year, we invited our donors to share their stories as mothers and donors. We hope their stories and tips can make a difference for other donor moms!

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Melissa P's Donor Story

"Happy Mother's Day! I'm Melissa, a first time mom to my beautiful daughter Olivia. She is now 7 months old and I wouldn't change anything. I was blessed with a baby who is a great sleeper, so my biggest obstacle was breastfeeding. I have an oversupply and a heavy let down. The first weeks after she was born, I was plagued with worries that she wasn't latching well or not getting enough to eat due to spitting up. I met with a few lactation consultants who informed me that I produced more then she needed. I pumped off three weeks worth of extra milk to make nursing easier for Olivia. I was taking a 6 month leave from work and with all the extra milk I pumped off, my pediatrician suggested donation. Since January, I donated close to 1,000 ounces and still had plenty for Olivia to take to daycare. I am proud that I nursed for 7 months and donated for much of this time as well! The advice I can offer to moms starting their donor story would be take your time and don't stress over the numbers. It may take longer to pump and save up but each ounce you can send is beneficial to another baby."