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Shannon Shares Why She Donates

Meet Donor Shannon

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I always hoped of staying home once I had a baby. When my son was born I knew for certain there was no way I could return to work. I'm a teacher and my husband is a police officer.

During the first two years at home with my son, my husband worked a rotating shift, which allowed me to substitute teach part-time and provide extra income.

However, right before my daughter was born, my husband was transferred to a Monday through Friday work schedule. It was a safer shift for him, but I was no longer able to substitute teach part-time.

I tutored privately in the evenings, but still wasn't able to bring home enough to help with the bills. My husband was working 70-80 hours each week and we were all exhausted. I remember the day a friend came over and told me about Prolacta.

A friend of hers had donated her breast milk to Prolacta, and I knew this was something that I had to look into. There was a waiting list at the time, but I immediately started following all of their collection tips in hopes they would start accepting donors soon.

A few months later, I got an email from Prolacta inviting me to start the donor application process. Fast forward a few months and now I'm able to give my daughter an exclusive breast milk diet, take stress off my husband, whose work as a police officer is already highly stressful, and donate 5,777 ounces of breast milk to help critically ill preemies! Working with Prolacta has been a huge blessing in our lives.

I've been able to stay home another year with my kids, and I've regained a feeling of self-worth knowing I can contribute financially to my family. Thank you for what you do to help moms like me stay at home and thank you for saving the lives of premature babies!