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Tiny Treasures Donor Heather B.'s Goodbye Video

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Heather shipped out her last cooler to Tiny Treasures Milk Bank, but has one final message to Prolacta and incoming donor moms. Thank you for choosing us for your donor journey, Heather! For more information about Tiny Treasures and other Prolacta-affiliated milk banks, please visit

Heather's Testimonial

Video Transcript

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Prolacta and Tiny Treasures this opportunity to be able to make an impact in babies' lives and in their family's lives and also for the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom for two years. I haven't missed any of my son's milestones. I've been there for him and my family and you guys have made it possible. So I wanted to say a huge thank you. This journey has just been so amazing; you guys have been so supportive. For the ladies that are just starting out in this company, it's awesome. They're worth it. To know what they're doing and the impact we're making -- it's pretty cool. Hang in there ladies! Know that it is worth it. I just wanted to say another huge thank you to you guys for making this possible. We are currently trying for another baby and hopefully the next time around, I will see you again. Bye guys." -Heather B.