Ressourcen & Evidenz Kontaktieren Sie uns

Preemie parent Brandon

Parent Brandon

How would you describe your NICU experience?

For the first time in our lives, Jessica and I felt powerless. Both of us had been successful entrepreneurs up until this point and had taken full responsibility for the success or failure of everything that we had  done in life. For the first time ever, we felt as though we really didn’t have any control over the situation. For the first time ever, we were required to rely on our faith in our Creator and his plan for our family AND on other people – namely, the amazing doctors and nurses.

What or who helped you get through this experience?

There were so many people that came together to help us get through what was literally the toughest time in our lives. We were so fortunate to have amazing family members, close friends, and an extended network of colleagues and business partners all over the world – people with whom we have developed cherished relationships over the last decade. These people flooded us with love, prayer, beautiful thoughts, and words that meant so much to us and gave us courage to believe that everything would work out as it should. We read every single text, every single card, every single letter, every single comment on social media posts, every single message on Facebook and Instagram; these were like oxygen to us. And we are so thankful to each and every person that took the time to bring life and love into our family.

What mantra or quote did you lean on during this time?

As mentioned in a previous question, we felt helpless, but we were not hopeless. I remember sitting in the hospital parking lot crying my eyes out (I have only done that once or twice in my life) while waiting for Jessica to arrive in the ambulance, and one song in particular was speaking to me. I had it on replay. The song was “Hills and Valleys,” by Tauren Wells.

Both Jessica and I have been very intentional about personal development over the last 15 years, and because of that, we had so much borrowed wisdom, scripture, and ancient truths written on our hearts. I feel that this prepared us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to be stronger in this very dark time. We certainly were not bulletproof, and we certainly didn’t handle every situation perfectly, but the renewing of our minds daily through intentional personal growth over the years prior was, I believe, a major factor in helping us keep it all together when everything around us seemed to be falling apart.

Because of this, we never lost faith, and we never lost hope. Jessica and I want to say a very special THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to the amazing people at Prolacta Bioscience. You all were a part of that special group of people that were a light for us in a dark time. Your work is so very important, and it is changing the world. Never stop. Never give up. What you are doing is too important. And know that what you are doing is leaving a mark and an impact on humanity that will not soon be forgotten in the annals of history – and will never be forgotten by the Hayes family. We love you. We honor you. And we thank you.