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Premature Infants Supplemented with Prolact CR are Discharged Sooner

An article by Dr. Amy Hair and colleagues titled “Premature Infants 750-1250 g Birth Weight Supplemented with a Novel Human Milk-Derived Cream Are Discharged Sooner,” which was recently published in the journal Breastfeeding Medicine.

This article is a subset analysis of data originally reported by Hair et al. in 2014 in the Journal of Pediatrics. The new study demonstrated that babies in the Cream supplementation group were discharged sooner and at a younger corrected gestational age than infants in the control group. This benefit was most pronounced in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD); infants in this Cream group were discharged from the hospital an average of 17 days sooner, although due to small numbers, this did not achieve statistical significance. To verify the additional benefit to infants with BPD, Prolacta Bioscience has undertaken a larger, randomized clinical trial.

We believe this new article and study provide further support for the use of a 100% human milk diet in infants < 1250 g birth weight including the use of Prolact CR® caloric fortifier. To download a free copy of the article, please follow this link: