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Tips for flexible breastfeeding

If you are a new nursing mom, it can be hard to imagine how to fit breastfeeding into your daily life. As beautiful and rewarding as it is, it’s hard work. In the beginning you and your baby are getting to know each other, so don’t give up if you’re having a hard time. Once you get the hang of it, there are a number of things you can do while you nurse, according to


Grab a snack while your little one feeds. It’s important to get enough calories and nutrients to maintain your energy.


Nursing moms need plenty of water, so keep a bottle or glass next to your snack plate.

Catch up with family and friends

Send an email, text message, or give your friends and family a call. Spark up a conversation, get caught up, or make a date for a girl’s night out or plans for friends to visit the little one.


Breastfeeding is the perfect time to catch up on what’s happening in the world. Read a newspaper or magazine, or surf the web and find interesting blogs or articles to read. If you aren't the reading type, listen to an audio book. Breastfeeding can really be flexible and you don’t have to be tied to your house. Even if you’re going to school or back to work, there are a variety of ways to fit breastfeeding into a hectic lifestyle. We’re all busy and run our lives according to schedules, so how do you feed your baby on demand while maintaining the other aspects of your life ?

Nurse in public

The first few times you nurse in public can feel awkward, but if you don’t want to be stuck in the house or the ladies’ room, it’s essential to find your comfort zone. The secret is to wear the right clothes. There are nursing tops that offer extra privacy, or you can drape a light blanket or specially designed cover-up over your little one. Also, practice at home and in front of a mirror before you venture out, to make sure you’ve got it down and feel comfortable. The more relaxed you are, the sooner people around you will get comfortable.

Don’t force a schedule

It would be convenient to plan out a day’s worth of feedings, but newborns don’t care if it’s been 15 minutes or three hours since their last meal. When they are hungry they want to eat, and you need to let them. Breastfeeding is fluid and flexible. You can do it anytime, anywhere - you just need a little creativity and patience to figure out what is best for you.

Consider pumping

Breastfeeding is a commitment, and your efforts are worthwhile. Pumping your breastmilk will enable you to maintain your milk supply, and collect it later for feedings when you are away from your child. Modern-day moms balance more responsibilities than ever before, and it’s a challenge to juggle everything that needs to get done in a day.  Take comfort that many mothers have been, or still are, in your shoes. Don’t feel like you have to change your social lifestyle just because you are breastfeeding your baby.