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As a donor, I can help babies and support my family!

"My name is Erin and this is my second time donating with Tiny Treasures Milk Bank. My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years and have 2 children: a beautiful, spirited 2.5 year old daughter and a handsome, little 6 month old son. I had an oversupply of milk with both my babies and had no clue what to do with the extra milk until I learned about Tiny Treasures.  My first motivation for joining Tiny Treasures is to help the preemies in need. I always wanted to help babies as much as possible. Since my husband and I struggled with fertility, we truly believed babies are the greatest blessings in this world. I am happy knowing that my excess breast milk can help the tiniest babies.  

My second motivation is my family. Until half a year ago, we lived far from all of our relatives so we used the money to fund our visits. Shortly before our son was born however, we bought a house closer to family!  Now, I have used the money to help with different projects around the house (1) our new home gets pretty cold (it was -21°F the other day), so we recently installed a new fireplace to replace these horrible little wall heaters we had and (2) we purchased a new vehicle to accommodate our larger family.

Overall, Tiny Treasures just makes it easier for me to stay home with my kids. I feel good knowing that I can raise my babies and support the family!  So moms, if you're just starting your donor journey... don't give up! I know some days I want to quit pumping; it is exhausting, but it is also an exciting and rewarding journey! So keep hydrated and don't stress out. Every little bit helps!" -Erin S.

About Tiny Treasures

Milk donated through Tiny Treasures Milk Bank will be used by Prolacta Bioscience® to make human milk nutritional products including a human milk-based fortifier, human milk caloric fortifier, premature infant formula and standardized donor milk sold to hospitals for use in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) for very low birth weight premature babies. All Prolacta products are made from human breast milk.