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Charyssa Finds Her Milk Bank!

Meet Donor Charyssa


"My name is Charyssa, I'm a young mother married to the love of my life, Aaron and we currently have two beautiful children, our daughter Sabra (6) and our son Cohen (15 months). I am unable to physically breastfeed my children so I have exclusively pumped for both of them. I found myself with a very full freezer early on with my son and I certainly wasn't ready to stop pumping so I began my search to donate.

I did so a few times to some local mommies but there were no banks near me or hospitals accepting donations so I turned to Google where I found the Tiny Treasures Milk Bank. After doing some research I decided that this was the right choice for me and I couldn't wait to get started.

My husband had lost his job in the oilfield shortly after our son's birth and we were struggling financially. Tiny Treasures Milk Bank allowed me to stay home with my children and still contribute paying off the bills. Since my 2 donation periods, I have donated over 10,000 ounces.

Now I found out that I was expecting again - this came as quite a surprise since we had struggled with infertility and losses before we conceived our son.  Donating to Tiny Treasures was both an honor and a blessing for me and if I am once again blessed with an oversupply I hope to return and do it all again. My advice to new donating mom's is to not be afraid to ask questions. TTMB is an amazing community and the work they do is so wonderful and worth all the effort it takes to provide our life-saving liquid gold for the preemies!" -Charyssa

About Tiny Treasures

Milk donated through Tiny Treasures Milk Bank is used by Prolacta Bioscience® to make human milk nutritional products including a human milk-based fortifier, human milk caloric fortifier, premature infant formula and standardized donor milk sold to hospitals for use in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) for very low birth weight premature babies. All Prolacta products are made from human breast milk.