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Meet Donor Beka - She Sent In 1,490 Ounces of Excess Breast Milk

Meet Donor Beka C


Beka C's story

"My name is Beka, I am married with three kids. My husband is James, Rachel is 7, J.E is 4 and Eli is 11 months.

My biggest obstacle that I overcame with being a mom was to not follow my mom's footstep - she was very selfish and neglectful.

I was afraid to have kids thinking I would be like her. But, my husband assured me that I was different. He greatest advice was to remember what my mom did and act completely in the opposite.

My proudest donor milestone was when I sent 1,490 ounces of breastmilk in at one time! I was so proud! T

ips and advice that I would give new moms that are donating would be to make sure you don't over fill your bags. Always lay your bags flat to freeze and relax! You'll make more milk when you relax!"