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Meet Donor Bridgett - Enjoying the Priceless Moments as a First Time Donor

Meet Bridgett M


Bridgett M's story

"My name is Bridgett. We are now a family of 5. My son Logan is 8 years old, Tyler is 5 1/2 years old and my daughter Addison is 17 weeks old. I have been married to the love of my husband of 12 years.

My biggest obstacle I overcame in my nursing is the fact that I've continued to nurse and pump for all three of my children when I went back to work. Holding down a full time job, running a household, and tending to a newborn can be overwhelming at times, but when I sit down to nurse my baby and pump, I am overwhelmed with the feeling that  I am doing the best thing I can do for my child and now [as a milk donor] for other children as well.

This is my first time being a donor mother. Going through the screening and being able to help all these babies is truly a priceless moment for me. I will be packing my first five freezers next week for shipment.

Knowing I am helping other babies from state to can't put a price tag on that. New moms on this journey, make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water and eating your calories[to] keep up with the milk you need for your baby and still have plenty of milk available to donate to other families in need at the milk bank. Y

ou cannot be worried about losing weight right now. If you are trying to produce enough milk for your child and the milk bank, you need to make sure to drink, eat and get rest. I personally drink 30 ounces of water between each nursing/pumping session...every 3 hours."