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Meet Donor Evelyn and Her Very Supportive Family

Evelyn D's story

"My name is Evelyn. I am a mommy of 3 wonderful children: 2 girls, ages 6 and 9, and my 16 months old boy. I've breastfed all three times and exclusively pumped every single time. It's tough, but I know breast milk is best.

My husband is very supportive and has always helped to wash and sanitize bottles. He is very involved. I am very proud to be an over-producer and am feel very thankful for every breastfeeding journey. I

can't imagine how it feels to have a body that doesn't cooperate with your baby's needs. I love Tiny Treasures and what they do for preemies because I had a preemie as a well.

With my 6 year old, my water fully ruptured at 26 weeks and I was put on hospital bed rest until 30 weeks when she could not wait any longer. The hospital offered me donor breast milk, but I kindly declined because I knew my body was capable of producing breast milk and I quickly filled up my space in the NICU.

I was asked not to bring any more milk in. My advice for you is to pay attention to your body. What worked for me may not work for you. I am a firm believer that pumping every two hours at the beginning established my supply.

One thing that was extremely hard for me was not being able to nurse my children. It just didn't work out for us, but I stuck to breastfeeding because I believe it's best for my babies. No more babies for me and the only thing that saddens me is that I was never able to nurse my children."