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Meet Donor Jackie And Her Milkies

Meet Jackie S


Jackie S's story

"I'm Jackie and a mother to 3 under six. My greatest obstacle would have to be recovering from my second delivery, as I had an emergency c-section and my dreams of nursing were shattered.

When I was pregnant with my third baby, I made it my mission to educate myself on all things breast milk. Knowing I would have a repeat cesarean I knew what to expect. I invested in a Medela Lactina pump and joined tons of support groups on Facebook.

After dealing with such a massive oversupply I sought ways to donate [breast milk] to the tiniest babies and also be able to get some sort of compensation for my hard work...

And that's how I found Tiny Treasures. My little guy will be 20 months next week and I have successfully maintained my oversupply.

Now that he's talking up a storm. I love how involved he is with my pumping and how he begs for his 'milkies'. When we pack off our coolers for shipment you should just see his face light up as I tell him his extra milkies is going to the babies...

He may be small, but he knows what 'milk' & 'baby' is and I'm sure he somewhat understands what is going on. Being a Tiny Treasures donor has been an answered prayer for our family financially, and I have been so blessed to be a part of the team.

Thank you for the opportunity to help feed the babies! My goal is to reach one hundred cooler shipments, and I have shipped 61 to date."