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Meet Donor Jenna Donating Breast Milk for 3 Terms

Jenna K's Donor Story

"My most difficult mommy moment was my first evening home alone with my kids. My husband worked nights at the time and as an exclusive pumper, it was definitely something I had to overcome and figure out for my 19 month old, newborn and I. Now they are 2.5 and 1 years, and we got this down. My proudest donor milestone would be sending off my first cooler and knowing that it was helping preemie babies. Now, I lost track of the number of coolers sent and I'm on my third re-qualification. Now to make it through at least a couple more! My best advice is to make sure you feed your baby first and don't stress about it. When I first started, I would set a goal to send a certain number of coolers every month and felt disappointed if I didn't hit that goal. Now, I just send in what I can and I don't worry about it at the end of the month. Even one cooler is better than none."