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Meet Donor Laura - Discovering the Wonderful Journey of Producing Excess Breast Milk

Meet Lauren F


Lauren F's story

"My name is Lauren and together my fiance Jeff and I have a beautiful 10 month old little girl named Sophia. The biggest obstacle that I overcame as a mother is realizing that it is okay to take a break from your child every once in a while.

I always want to be with Sophia and as a result I don't realize that I am ignoring Jeff and sometimes it gets hard. I've realized that having a date night once a month and doing something just the two of us or even with some friends isn't going to make me a bad parent, it's actually nice and refreshing.

My proudest donor milestone is the fact that I will have donated 3 coolers filled with breast milk. I love it when people ask me if I am still breast feeding and how it's going and I tell them how wonderful the journey is and how I have even been able to donate some milk.

Some have never even heard of donating breast milk, so I am able to fill them in on the process and how in the end it gets shipped to babies in the NICU. Tips or advice I would give to moms beginning their donor journey is that it is such a wonderful experience knowing that you are able to help out a baby that may not of been able to survive without the breast milk that you have just donated. Every ounce counts is what I like to think. I can not wait to keep donating to such a wonderful thing like Prolacta!