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Meet Donor Maria - Never Giving Up

Meet Maria H


Maria H's story

"Hi. My name is Maria and my husband and I have two boys, 4 and 4 months. I have to say having two [children] and exclusively pumping has been really challenging.

I try and stay on the schedule as best as I can and I have even thought about giving up, but I know there is nothing like a mommy's milk. Knowing that I produced extra with my first, I was very determined to stick with it and donate excess breast milk.

Having read about Tiny Treasures has given me even more of an incentive to try and help out. We were blessed with two healthy babies.

We did have a miscarriage in between them, but I couldn't imagine having a preemie. I am in the beginning stages to start donating my extra breast milk and I am very excited. I can't wait to tell my son when he is older that he helped babies out."