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Fighting for your fighter

Advocate for your little one

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What parents should know about nutritional options

Breastmilk is the ideal food for babies, providing nutrients and energy plus additional benefits for the immune system and brain development. However, babies born prematurely at a very low birthweight need additional protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals. To meet these nutrition needs, doctors may decide to add a human milk fortifier (HMF) to your breastmilk.

But be aware — most "Human Milk Fortifier (HMF)" products are made from cow milk. There is only one fortifier made exclusively from 100% donor breastmilk: Prolact+ H2MF® human milk fortifier (human, pasteurized).

Fortifying breastmilk with Prolacta's human milk-based fortifiers is the only way your premature baby can benefit from a 100% human milk diet.

Does it really make a difference if your baby receives only 100% human milk in the NICU?

When used as part of an exclusive human milk diet (EHMD)1, Prolacta's nutritional products are clinically proven to improve health outcomes2,3,4,5,6,7 and reduce hospital costs,5,8 for critically ill, extremely premature infants as compared to cow milk-based fortifier or cow milk-based preterm formula.

According to a study5 with 1,587 infants with a birth weight of up to 2 pounds 12 ounces (<1,250 grams) who were fed a 100% human milk diet including Prolacta's products experienced a decrease in serious complications, including:

  • Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) — an intestinal disease and a leading cause of morality in preemies
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) — also referred to as chronic lung disease
  • Late-onset sepsis— a serious bacterial infection that can cause neurodevelopmental disabilities
  • Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)— which can lead to blindness

More than 100,000 fragile premature infants throughout the world have benefited from Prolacta's nutritional products,9 and even more can thrive through better nutrition.

From one parent to another

Peek's Family Story

Baby Leah was born at 23 weeks and 5 days gestation, weighing only 1 pound 8 ounces.

Shelby's Story

Daxtyn, a warrior who entered the world weighing only 1 pound 6 ounces, now thrives at 6.

Ebonie's Story

Born as one of the smallest babies cared for in her NICU, Kallie is a true fighter.

Benefits of an exclusive human milk diet (EHMD)

More than 30 clinical studies with more than 6,500 premature infants have evaluated the effectiveness of Prolacta's 100% human milk-based nutritional products.10

Our products, as part of an EHMD, have been shown in clinical studies to:

  • Significantly reduce the risk of complications and feeding intolerance associated with cow milk-based fortifiers.2,3,4,6
  • Fortify early to safely nourish the preterm infant to ensure health gut, lung, and brain development, as well as achieve healthy growth.11,12,13

Aria, born weighing 630 g

A small ask, a vital difference

Fighting for your baby's life is a journey of making informed, life-changing choices and advocating for their well-being. It's crucial they receive nutrients that offer the best chance for their health and future. Talk to your care team about nutritional options to ensure your baby receives the highest-quality care. If you need help, connect with our medical team to learn more about how you can advocate for your little one.

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