Fact sheet: Retinopathy of prematurity clinical information
Type: Fact Sheet
CE Webinar: Research, Improvement, and Follow Through: Integrating evidence into practice with the exclusive human milk diet (EHMD)
Type: Webinar
Topic(s): Bioactivity Clinical Studies on Prolact/Humavant CR Cost Savings / Cost Effectiveness Feeding Intolerance Feeding Protocol Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) Long-Term Outcomes Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Pasteurization
CE Webinar: Exclusive Human Milk Diets in High-Risk Neonates: Evidence & Experience
Type: Webinar
Topic(s): Clinical Studies on Prolact/Humavant CR Cost Savings / Cost Effectiveness Length of Hospital Stay Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
Supplemental product information: Prolact+10 H2MF
Type: Product Information
CE Webinar: Exclusive human milk diet (EHMD) for extremely premature infants: a fortification strategy to enhance bioactivity
Type: Webinar
Topic(s): Bioactivity Feeding Protocol Growth Microbiome
CE Webinar: Donor milk bioactive protein survival across thermal processing and homogenization
Type: Webinar
Topic(s): Bioactivity Microbiome Pasteurization
How Prolacta leads the industry
Type: Fact Sheet
Topic(s): Company Information Pasteurization Probiotics Quality & Safety
Infographic: Breastmilk pumping best practices
Type: Infographic
Topic(s): Parent Tips Quality & Safety
CE Webinar: Early protein for ELBWs: striking the right balance with human milk
Type: Webinar
Topic(s): Feeding Protocol Growth Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Use
CE Webinar: Clinical and financial benefits of implementing an exclusive human milk diet (EHMD) - a county hospital experience
Type: Webinar
Topic(s): Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) Cost Savings / Cost Effectiveness Feeding Protocol Late-Onset Sepsis Length of Hospital Stay Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Use Ventilation Days