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Forged in service, leading with purpose

We are proud to be home to an exceptional group of employees who have not only demonstrated their dedication to our company but have also served our nation with unwavering commitment and valor. Their backgrounds, training, and experiences help bring a unique perspective to our organization. We spoke with four of our employees who have served for their perspectives.

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For Ed Boylan, Health Economics Director, the military's rigorous training in teamwork and diversity helped lay the foundation for his success at Prolacta. Saving infants' lives requires a unified effort, and Ed's ability to collaborate across diverse backgrounds has been instrumental in advancing our mission.

"My career in the military helped develop my ability to work as a team and set expectations," said Ed. "Prolacta's main focus is saving babies, that's the mission. I used my team building experience to work with different cultures, work with different people, work with different disciplines; you have to be able to do that to fulfill our mission."

Discipline, a common core value instilled during military service, is a guiding light for many veterans entering the civilian workforce. David Stewart, Sales & Marketing Global Analyst, emphasizes this invaluable trait: "One of the biggest career skills the military helped me develop was discipline. I think that the key to life is discipline. Anytime people do good at anything, it always takes discipline, perseverance, and training."

David also believes the military can help instill self-confidence. "My job was aircrew life support, which basically meant equipping pilots and their crew with the appropriate survival gear and training them on that as well. I had to do certain training schools like water survival and arctic survival in addition to regular survival training. It really built up my confidence in knowing that I could do other things because I was able to accomplish all that."

For Mark Hannon, Vice President, Operations, and Carol Lewis Cullinan, Vice President, Clinical Operations, having a military background helped develop the leadership skills they implement with their teams at Prolacta.

"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. That saying meant a lot to me,” said Mark. “The soldiers that I was blessed to work with, they, I would say, knew I cared about them. And I would say that was definitely something that carried over into my career."

Carol believes that teamwork, whether in the military or not, is very important. Throughout her time here, the teamwork she sees across the organization is empowering.

"There is something about working at Prolacta, people really are dedicated to the mission,” explains Carol. “I mean the first time you walk in you see the stories of the 750-gram patients and you see their pictures. You know they're now five years old and it's obvious what the mission is there. People here work hard because they see that we have this important mission. That we need to take care of these preemies and get them healthy."

With stories etched in dedication, values, and leadership, our veterans bring a unique perspective and profound commitment to our mission at Prolacta. We salute all of them and express our gratitude for their years of service, not just to our nation, but to the precious lives we touch every day.